7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (2024)

Having a shapely backside is #trending. To some extent, that's always been true, but we've definitely seen a massive uptick in butt-lifting surgeries and procedures in recent years. And there's a whole athleisure industry dedicated to giving your behind a lift.

But invasive techniques can have health consequences for some and, unfortunately, butt-lifting pants only work as long as you're wearing them. The truth is that if you want to tone and strengthen your glutes, you're going to have to do some exercise.

Having strong glutes, though, is good for more than aesthetic reasons. The glute muscles also help us walk, move and sit with better posture. Strengthening the glutes helps train the legs and back to work together — which reduces the potential for straining or injuring your back or legs.

As a personal trainer for almost 15 years, I’ve found that when it comes to working the glutes, my clients love basic exercises that get the job done. Me too. Why make it complicated when toning your glutes can be fun and easy?

These are some of my favorite exercises because they feel great and burn just enough in the moment to make me feel like I’m working hard — but they aren’t so strenuous that I feel like I'm overworking the muscle.

These moves require no equipment and you can do them wherever you are — at home in front of your television or on your lunch break! If you do this short routine for a few weeks, you will start to feel your glutes activate and you will likely see a change in the way your body looks.

Perform 10 reps of each exercise 3 times.

Wall squat

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (1)

Lean against a wall with your back straight and your feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms at your sides as you slide down the wall, bending at the knees. Bend until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your feet should be far enough from the wall that you form a 90-degree angle at the knee joint. Squeeze your abs and glutes and hold for a few seconds before sliding your back up the wall to the starting position.

Goblet squat

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (2)

Stand with your feet wider than the hips with your toes facing slightly outward. Bring your palms together at your chest with your elbows bent. Squeeze your abs and look forward as you push your hips backward and bend your knees. Remember to keep your back straight as you continue to lower your butt until your hips are below your knees. Position your elbows so that they are inside your knees before pushing down through the heels to stand back up.

Squat into side leg lift

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (3)

This progression from a basic squat will fire up your hamstrings, quads and gluteus maximus, while also targeting the gluteus medius (the side hip) during the leg lift. To perform this, first do a squat. Then, as you stand up extend the right leg out to the right and lift it up as high as the hip to work the outer right hip and thigh. Place the foot back down and lower into a squat. Repeat 10 times, then switch to the other side.

Forward lunge

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (4)

Step your right foot forward and bend the right knee, making sure the knee tracks over the ankle. Bend the left leg so that the knee reaches toward the floor. Push down through the right heel to press back to the starting position. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

Reverse lunge

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (5)

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and youe hands in prayer position or at your sides. Step the right foot back into a lunge position. Brace your core and lower down until your knee almost touches the floor. Both knees should be at about a 90-degree angle. Step forward and return to standing. Repeat 10 times before switching sides.

Glute bridge

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (6)

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Your knees should be hip-distance apart. Raise your hips by squeezing your glutes to create a straight line from your neck to your knees, being careful not to hyperextend your hips. Clasp your hands underneath your back for a deeper stretch or keep the arms extended on the floor, fingers pointing toward your feet. Hold the pose for 5 seconds. Don’t let your knees splay out to the side or collapse inward. Slowly lower down.

Backward leg lift

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (7)

Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, reach your right foot a couple of feet behind you. Keep the leg straight as you lift the leg up off of the floor to engage your hamstring and glute. Lower the leg down. Repeat 10 times, then switch sides.

Stephanie Mansour

Stephanie Mansour is a contributing health and fitness writer for TODAY. She is a certified personal trainer, yoga and Pilates instructor andweight-loss coachfor women. She hosts “Step It Up with Steph” on PBS. Join her complimentary health and weight-losschallenge and follow her for daily inspiration onInstagram and in hernew app.

7 best glute exercises to keep your backside peachy (2024)
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