Euclidean Distance | Formula, Derivation & Solved Examples (2024)

Euclidean Distance is defined as the distance between two points in Euclidean space. To find the distance between two points, the length of the line segment that connects the two points should be measured.

In this article, we will explore what is Euclidean distance, the Euclidean distance formula, its Euclidean distance formula derivation, Euclidean distance examples, etc.

Euclidean Distance | Formula, Derivation & Solved Examples (1)

Euclidean Distance

Table of Content

  • What is Euclidean Distance?
  • Euclidean Distance Formula
    • Euclidean Distance in 3D
    • Euclidean Distance in nD
  • Euclidean Distance Formula Derivation
  • Euclidean Distance and Manhattan Distance
  • Solved Questions on Euclidean Distance
  • Practice Problems on Euclidean Distance

What is Euclidean Distance?

The measure which gives the distance between any two points in an n-dimensional plane is known as Euclidean Distance. Euclidean distance between two points in the Euclidean space is defined as the length of the line segment between two points.

Euclidean distance is like measuring the straightest and shortest path between two points. Imagine you have a string and you stretch it tight between two points on a map; the length of that string is the Euclidean distance. It tells you how far apart the two points are without any turns or bends, just like a bird would fly directly from one spot to another.

Euclidean Distance Formula

Consider two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in a 2-dimensional space; the Euclidean Distance between them is given by using the formula:

d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2]


  • d is Euclidean Distance
  • (x1, y1) is Coordinate of the first point
  • (x2, y2) is Coordinate of the second point

Euclidean Distance in 3D

If the two points (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2) are in a 3-dimensional space, the Euclidean Distance between them is given by using the formula:

d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2+ (z2 – z1)2]


  • d is Euclidean Distance
  • (x1, y1, z1) is Coordinate of the first point
  • (x2, y2, z2) is Coordinate of the second point

Euclidean Distance in nD

In general, the Euclidean Distance formula between two points (x11, x12, x13, …., x1n) and (x21, x22, x23, …., x2n) in an n-dimensional space is given by the formula:

d = √[∑(x2i – x1i)2]


  • i Ranges from 1 to n
  • d is Euclidean distance
  • (x11, x12, x13, …., x1n) is Coordinate of First Point
  • (x21, x22, x23, …., x2n) is Coordinate of Second Point

Euclidean Distance Formula Derivation

Euclidean Distance Formula is derived by following the steps added below:

Step 1: Let us consider two points, A (x1, y1) and B (x2, y2), and d is the distance between the two points.

Step 2: Join the points using a straight line (AB).

Step 3: Now, let us construct a right-angled triangle whose hypotenuse is AB, as shown in the figure below.

Euclidean Distance | Formula, Derivation & Solved Examples (2)

Step4: Now, using Pythagoras theorem we know that,

(Hypotenuse)2 = (Base)2 + (Perpendicular)2

d2 = (x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2

Now, take the square root on both sides of the equation, we get

d = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2


  • Distance Between Two Points
  • Distance Formula
  • Horizontal Lines
  • Vertical Lines

Euclidean Distance and Manhattan Distance

Differences between the Euclidean and Manhattan methods of measuring distance are listed in the following table:

AspectEuclidean DistanceManhattan Distance
DefinitionMeasures the shortest straight-line distance between two points.Measures the distance between two points along axes at right angles.
Formula (2D)d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2]d = [|x2 – x1| + |y2 – y1|]
PathDirect straight line.Path that resembles city blocks or a grid pattern.
Metric NameL2 norm or Euclidean norm.L1 norm or Manhattan norm.
Use CasesUsed in scenarios where direct distances are needed (e.g., physics).Commonly used in planning, urban design, and certain optimization algorithms.
Sensitivity to ScalingLess sensitive to scaling of axes.More sensitive to scaling of axes since it adds absolute differences.


Euclidean Distance is a metric for measuring the distance between two points in Euclidean space, reflecting the length of the shortest path connecting them, which is a straight line. The formula for calculating Euclidean Distance depends on the dimensionality of the space. In a 2-dimensional plane, the distance d between points is, d = d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2]. In 3D, d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2+ (z2 – z1)2].

Read More,

  • Distance Formula
  • 3D Distance Formula
  • Section Formula
  • Cartesian Coordinate System

Solved Questions on Euclidean Distance

Here are some sample problems based on the distance formula.

Question 1: Calculate the distance between the points (4,1) and (3,0).


Using Euclidean Distance Formula:

d = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2

d = √(3 – 4)2 + (0 – 1)2

⇒ d = √(1 + 1)

⇒ d = √2 = 1.414 unit

Question 2: Show that the points A (0, 0), B (4, 0), and C (2, 2√3) are the vertices of an Equilateral Triangle.


To prove that these three points form an equilateral triangle, we need to show that the distances between all pairs of points, i.e., AB, BC, and CA, are equal.

Distance between points A and B:

AB = √[(4– 0)2 + (0-0)2]

⇒ AB = √16

AB = 4 unit

Distance between points B and C:

BC = √[(2-4)^2 + (2√3-0)^2]

⇒ BC = √[4+12] = √16

BC = 4 unit

Distance between points C and A:

CA = √[(0-2)2 + (0-2√3)2]

⇒ CA = √[4 + 12] = √16

CA = 4 unit

Here, we can observe that all three distances, AB, BC, and CA, are equal.

Therefore, the given triangle is an Equilateral Triangle

Question 3: Mathematically prove Euclidean distance is a non negative value.


Consider two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in a 2-dimensional space; the Euclidean Distance between them is given by using the formula:

d = √(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2

We know that squares of real numbers are always non-negative.

⇒(x2 – x1)2 >= 0 and (y2 – y1)2 >= 0

√(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2 >= 0

As square root of a non-negative number gives a non-negative number,

Therefore Euclidean distance is a non-negative value. It cannot be a negative number.

Question 4: A triangle has vertices at points A(2, 3), B(5, 7), and C(8, 1). Find the length of the longest side of the triangle.


Given, the points A(2, 3), B(5, 7), and C(8, 1) are the vertices of a triangle.

Distance between points A and B:

AB = √[(5-2)2 + (7-3)2]

⇒ AB = √9+16= √25

AB = 5 unit

Distance between points B and C:

BC = √[(8-5)2 + (1-7)2]

⇒ BC = √[9+36] = √45

BC = 6.708 unit

Distance between points C and A:

CA = √[(8-2)2 + (1-3)2]

⇒ CA = √[36+4] = √40

CA = 6.325 unit

Therefore, the length of the longest side of triangle is 6.708 unit.

Practice Problems on Euclidean Distance

P1: Calculate the Euclidean distance between points P(1, 8, 3) and Q(6, 6, 8).

P2: A car travels from point A(0, 0) to point B(5, 12). Calculate the distance traveled by the car?

P3: An airplane flies from point P(0, 0, 0) to point Q(100, 200, 300). Calculate the distance traveled by the airplane.

P4: A triangle has vertices at points M(1, 2), N(4, 6), and O(7, 3). Find the perimeter of the triangle.

P5: On a graph with points K(2, 3) and L(5, 7), plot these points and calculate the Euclidean distance between them.

P6: A drone needs to fly from point A(1, 1) to point B(10, 10). Find the shortest path the drone should take to conserve battery?

P7: A robotic arm moves from position J(1, 2, 3) to position K(4, 5, 6). Calculate the total distance traveled by the robotic arm.

Euclidean Distance – FAQs

Define Euclidean Distance.

Euclidean distance measures the straight-line distance between two points in Euclidean space.

What is the distance formula for a 2D Euclidean Space?

Euclidean Distance between two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in using the formula:

d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2]

What are some properties of Euclidean Distance?

  • Euclidean distance is always non-negative because it represents a physical distance in space, which cannot be a negative value.
  • Distance between a point and itself is always zero

Can Euclidean Distance be negative?

Euclidean Distance can’t be negative as it represents a physical distance. It can be a zero value but can’t be a negative value.

How can Euclidean Distance be extended to higher dimensions?

In general, the Euclidean Distance formula between two points (x11, x12, x13, …., x1n) and (x21, x22, x23, …., x2n) in an n-dimensional space is given by the formula:

d = √[∑(x2i – x1i)2]

What is the difference between Euclidean Distance and Manhattan Distance?

Consider two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in a 2-dimensional space;

Euclidean Distance between them is given by using the formula:

d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2], (Calculates the square root of the sum of squared differences)

Manhattan Distance between them is given by using the formula:

d = [|x2 – x1| + |y2 – y1|], (Calculates the distance between two points as the sum of the absolute differences in their coordinates)

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Euclidean Distance | Formula, Derivation & Solved Examples (2024)


How do you derive the Euclidean distance? ›

The formula for calculating Euclidean Distance depends on the dimensionality of the space. In a 2-dimensional plane, the distance d between points is, d = d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2]. In 3D, d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2+ (z2 – z1)2].

What is an example of a Euclidean distance? ›

An example of one-dimensional Euclidean distance is the distance between two numbers on a number line. An example of two-dimensional Euclidean distance is the distance between two points on a coordinate plane.

What is the formula for calculating Euclidean distance? ›

The Euclidean distance formula is used to find the distance between two points on a plane. This formula says the distance between two points (x1 1 , y1 1 ) and (x2 2 , y2 2 ) is d = √[(x2 – x1)2 + (y2 – y1)2].

What is the unit of Euclidean distance? ›

The distances are measured as the crow flies (Euclidean distance) in the projection units of the raster, such as feet or meters, and are computed from cell center to cell center.

What is the Euclidean distance for dummies? ›

In mathematics, the Euclidean distance between two points in Euclidean space is the length of the line segment between them. It can be calculated from the Cartesian coordinates of the points using the Pythagorean theorem, and therefore is occasionally called the Pythagorean distance.

How do you derive distance? ›

The formula for distance is the square root of the difference of the two x-values squared plus the difference of the two y-values squared. If there is a need for the three-dimensional plane, then the formula would add an additional sum of the difference of the two z-values squared.

What is another name for the Euclidean distance? ›

Euclidean distance
TitleEuclidean distance
Synonymstandard metric
Synonymstandard topology
Synonymcanonical topology
19 more rows
Mar 22, 2013

What is Euclidean in simple terms? ›

Euclidean geometry is the study of geometrical shapes (plane and solid) and figures based on different axioms and theorems. It is basically introduced for flat surfaces or plane surfaces. Geometry is derived from the Greek words 'geo' which means earth and 'metrein' which means 'to measure'.

What is Euclidean distance easy? ›

In a one-dimensional space, the Euclidean distance is not only intuitive, but it's also easy to calculate. If the plots on a line are 3, 5 and 7, the distance between 3 and 5 is 2, and between 3 and 7 is 4. However, rather than following the above formula, we would be using the following: d(a, b) = sqrt((a - b)²)

What is the Pythagorean theorem of Euclidean distance? ›

From the Pythagorean theorem, in which the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides, the distance between the points (a, b) and (c, d) is given by Square root of√(a − c)2 + (b − d)2.

What is the Euclidean distance pattern? ›

Euclidean distance is the most basic distance in metric learning. Generally, the Euclidean distance between two example vectors (x and y) is defined as: (77) D x , y = x - y ⊤ x - y = ∥ x - y ∥ 2 .

How do I see how far one place is from another? ›

To measure the distance between two points:
  1. On your computer, open Google Maps.
  2. Right-click on your starting point.
  3. Select Measure distance.
  4. To create a path to measure, click anywhere on the map. To add another point, click anywhere on the map. ...
  5. When finished, on the card at the bottom, click Close .

Why do we use Euclidean distance? ›

Introduction. Euclidean Distance is the most common distance measure used to determine the distance between 2 points. The most intuitive way to understand Euclidean Distance is simply to imagine 2 points right in front of you and try to determine the distance between them.

Why does Euclidean distance mean K? ›

However, K-Means is implicitly based on pairwise Euclidean distances between data points, because the sum of squared deviations from centroid is equal to the sum of pairwise squared Euclidean distances divided by the number of points. The term "centroid" is itself from Euclidean geometry.

What is the difference between Manhattan distance and Euclidean distance? ›

While Manhattan distance measures the path along grid lines, Euclidean distance measures the straight-line distance between two points or, "as the crow flies," as they say. For our 2D example: Manhattan distance: 7 units. Euclidean distance: √((1-4)² + (1-5)²) = 5 units.

What is the formula for Euclidean distance in deep learning? ›

In a one-dimensional space, the Euclidean distance is not only intuitive, but it's also easy to calculate. If the plots on a line are 3, 5 and 7, the distance between 3 and 5 is 2, and between 3 and 7 is 4. However, rather than following the above formula, we would be using the following: d(a, b) = sqrt((a - b)²)

What is the formula for Euclidean distance in R? ›

How to compute the Euclidean distance between two arrays in R? Euclidean distance is the shortest possible distance between two points. Formula to calculate this distance is : Euclidean distance = √Σ(xi-yi)^2 where, x and y are the input values.

How to find Euclidean distance in 3D? ›

Distance formula: The distance between any two points in a 3D Euclidean Space is given by the equation ( x 2 − x 1 ) 2 + ( y 2 − y 1 ) 2 + ( z 2 − z 1 ) 2 .

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.